Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Moments with the Lord this week

     So on Monday night I believe it was I was having pain like no other. So the Lord instructed me to get down on my knees and ask for my healing the correct way so I did. I cried this verse out to Jesus "O Lord my God, I cried out to you for help and you healed me" (Psalms 30:2) Woke up this morning feeling completely better, like my symptoms I've been having completely left. People tell me that its impossible when they are an unbeliever but It is not impossible because my Jesus is the biggest and most ultimate healer there could possibly be. Don't tell me My GOD is fake because he is completely real, take time to get to know him. Another verse that I meditate on when I am looking for a healing is "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed. Rescue me, and I will be rescued, You are the one I praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)  Jesus is the ultimate healer never forget that. Praise through the storm and he will bring you Joy in the morning.

Just a couple things I got from the bible and devotionals so far this week. Here you go.

"The fire has no power upon my body" If you are walking through a fiery test, you cannot afford to surround yourself with companions who are speaking words of doubt every time you speak words of faith.

Do you think it is important to spend time with God during the week? Well for me personally that's where i found the most comfort in my days, and week. Feeling that precious sweet feeling God places you in during that time, whether it be Prayer, Praise, Reading the Word. Its all absolutely precious and never ending to me. " Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."(Psalms 119:105) The verse says it all and its something I hold tightly onto, my bible! I find a cure to every problem in there. Give it a try if you don't already.

There was a moment this week where a friend had told me that they were having thoughts of death on their life. I prayed so much that night, I weeped, and just thanked God for his amazing victory over her life and my life. And minutes later, Guess what happen, the Lord showed up on her and everyone of the thoughts she was having vanished.  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.(John 10:10)  I wont let any part of that stupid satan into my surrounding believers of Christ, I pray my heart out for them, because God listens to our prayers. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."(Matthew 18:20)  That's a powerful thing being connected together in prayer.

Thankful for the people I have in my life. Received some sweet words this week from dear friends.
"The Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones, and you will be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters do not fall" (Isaiah 58:11) That verse as been heavy in my heart so I thought I would share it.

Look straight ahead at Jesus and keep your mouth shut towards of doubt, unbelief and evil speaking.

God bless you guys, you are loved, never forget that.
Any prayer requests, comment below?

With Love, Sarah Elizabeth

Would like to leave you with a song of worship I love



  1. Sarah! So many times I wish I could have read this when I was in pain. I love reading your posts missy! They always lift me up! Love you so much dear! Your in my thoughts and prayers Sarah <3

  2. Amazing post Sarah!!! Keep up the great work!! God is using you in many ways and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Love you and praying for you!!!.. <3 <3 <3
