Today what am I thankful for?
Well I have been taking part in thankful sweetness for awhile , but I slacked off alot.
So I just wanted to share what Im thankful for today.
To start my list I am thankful for my Spiritual Parents and the Love that they have given me through out the months lately, as things have been bumping up on me they keep me pushing after God
I am thankful for Forgiveness today because I was put into a situation last night that I wasn't even doing but hey how many of you know that its good to communicate?
Being able to work with little 2 year old's every week for my college class, it is my pride and Joy.
Today I am really thankful for True Friends, which those I don't seem to have many of right now.
"Time to be the New You, Time to be the Generation , that changes the World"
Hey sweet people?
How is your day or week going , Mine is going good!
You know those moments you just get caught up in what people think of you, etc. Yes Ive been going through one of those phases. There's times where we just forget about are goal in life and let others bring your hopes down. Knowing there's people out there that care in the littlest of ways. As I know not many people look at my blog, I still write thinking my heart will get out to somewhere. Do you ever feel unloved ? Maybe because you come from a broken family, or a place where you feel like chopped liver because you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Well I Just wanted to tell you Jesus is the only one we need to get through our daily life's. Our motivation can't come from people , it can only come from you. Wanting to be like someone else is okay to an extent, but God made everybody their own person. Striving to be like someone doesn't always work. Sometimes I tell myself that I need to stop breath and strive more to be like Jesus. Jesus is who lives on the inside of my heart. I want to remind those of you feeling broken that the only love you need is from Jesus. He fulfills every desire. But the amazing thing is that when you get saved you are brought a whole new group of people to love you in the natural. But when you are alone physically you really aren't because Jesus is always with you where ever you go. The verse that reminds me to stay strong during the tough trials everyone will walk through. But it depends on you how you let that trial affect you. "Be strong and Courageous nor discouraged or dismayed for the Lord is with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9 [ That Verse brings my heart into comfort every day of my Life ] - it is something that just keeps me going through every struggle Ive faced since committing my life to Jesus. What and who are we if we dont have Love? We are nothing. Be the change you want to see in this world. Be the friend you wish to have. Be a real Believer everyday not just inside the church doors.
Be the Real Believer your suppose to be:
Open the door for someone
Read your Bible everyday
Pray Everyday
Worship and Thank God everyday
Give someone the Love of Jesus Don’t
you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don’t
belong to yourselves. (1st Corinthians 6:19 Gwt)
How are you lovely bloggers doing? You all are an inspiration in some of the sweetest ways. I really am thankful to be a part of this community even though I have been distant for a while in the writing part of it. But that's because I have been finding out who I am suppose to be in life , Where I am suppose to go. My desire is to love on people like Jesus did. To be unashamed, and for the love of Jesus to flow out of my heart. Lately through the bump in my road I've been facing Ive been inspired , inspired knowing how loved I am by people. It doesn't always have to be blood, to mean family. Knowing some people don't have that supportive family to go to during that time of struggle. Ya know! Anyways God puts people into our lives for a reason! :) To help up grow. Know that somebody cares about you, Know that Jesus died on the cross for you. How deep of love is that to know. Remember you don't know the battle that somebody else is facing. By this don't judge a book by its cover. So don't judge a person by its cover. We are are own people. Don't fall into the trap that nobody loves you because it is a tough one to get out of.
My goal in life is to make children feel loved :)
I wanted to share my speech with you from speech the other day , I presented it :)
Yes It came out a little bit different , but this was my goal to share. (A persuasive Speech for a Scholarship )
I have always been a student with
A’s and B’s. My goal in life is to make
children feel loved because growing up I didn’t have that and it was always
hard for me but that made me who I am today.By achieving that goal I would like to open my own daycare or become a
preschool teacher. People always are reminding me how good I am with children
that they keep coming back to me when they need help with their children. I
currently am one of the lead people at my church working Nursery church if you
don’t know what that is it is taking care of the children 0-5 , I have been
doing this since I was sixteenand it
really has encouraged me to keep going in that direction.Just recently I got hired for a babysitter
position and it is really fun.Not being
loved on much as a child made me have compassion to follow that dream of mine.
So by this going to college has been a struggle money wise, and from what
people have told me they see where I come from and follow my dream does take
income and sometimes that is harder to get when you don’t qualify for anything
financially , and you have to beg your parents for help. I have had to keep
pushing because I care about making life’s of children different and that’s why
I think I would be a good candidate for this opportunity.
Anyways I'd love to hear from you, love to hear your prayer requests :)
My words are short, so I just want to leave you with a song! It's the only thing on replay!
And as a couple of you may know my issues lately, thankyou for having open ears.
Do you get something from my blog? Does it benefit you? I'm starting to have second thoughts!
Today was my first day back to college, let the busy schedule begin. But I noticed I never get much views or comments on my blog posts, so I always wonder if people get something from my blog. So I will give it a month, and if no one tells me my blog helps them , I will just take it down and put my focus on other things for now. Like more time with God, etc. Well let me know!
Well give me feedback, be blessed sweet followers.
Remember to put the Lord at the beginning of our days and the rest will be blessed. Be blessed sweet followers.
I want to share some facts, because I got this amazing idea from a sweet Christ Sisters Blog!
So here it goes (:
20 things About Me: 1. Im tall for a girl 2. My Favorite color is Purple 3. I love Jesus more than anything. 4. Spiders I don't like 5. I am a college student 6. Im about to enter my 20's 7. I Love dogs lots( I almost died in 5th grade being severely mauled by 3 dogs, but I still love dogs) 8. I love to wear dresses( Long ones of course because I'm a giant. 9. I am very involved at church 10. I love to take photographs 11. I am the only girl in my family, so many brothers 12. My favorite bible verse is Joshua 1:9 13. I dont miss a day of reading my word 14. I love singing ( May not sound so beautiful , but hey) 15. I have been an aunty since I was younger 16. I love to write poetry 17. I sneeze alot 18. I love my family 19. I used to play basketball 20. I want a huge family ( waiting on God for that man)
So I guess you can say my life has been a bumpy road lately, considering I haven't even had the desire to write and that's one of my passions. Those moments the enemy tries to win, and you just have to leave all distractions behind. And this happened to be a distraction I left behind, currently I think I have failed myself and the Lord because I know my heart hasn't been in the right place. But hey nobody is perfect right? I definitely don't claim to be any form of that. Lately has been a tough battle from all the hurtful words I have received from people, but I just remind myself that the enemy uses people to try to steal our peace. I have to say I definetly have learned what friendship means lately. If people dont encourage or uplift you in your faith walk then its okay to love on them and let them go on with their lifes. SO i did alot of thinking as I was on a 10 day vacation it was so very fun, distraction free and full of fun. Sometimes we just need a break from our ordinary life. I learned and grew alot in these 10 days and I just got back yesterday from my relaxing fun filled vacation. God is overly awesome and blesses us in ways that we certainly cant think about. Unexpected blessings are just so precious. Well How is my blog friends and community doing? I may have lost some followers but I guess thats something normal that would happen if your not a weekly writer. But hey I'd love to email some of you that are still following me, and reading what I post and share. I feel like a new person in the Lord now.
"All things are Possible through Christ who Strengthens you" // Philippians 4:13
Monday, July 22, 2013
Made by a sweet Blogger , Erin
I am doing good sweet bloggers (:
Sorry I havent been much of a blogger lately have been going through ALOT.
Just want to remind you how Loved you are , when you don't feel loved.
Looking for some Christ sisters to talk to , email me something encouraging I could really use it (:
I'll be back soon to write some more, when my heart is completely back ...
-Xoxo Sarah
Friday, June 28, 2013
How are you sweet people? This crazy life has kept me off of my blog for over a month it seems but that's okay because I have had more important things on my heart and blogging just happened to not be one of them just because I forgot about it for awhile. I have been spending my time drawing closer to to the Lord and spending time with family, church stuff , house sitting, and you know just that stuff. I just seemed to have such a heaviness on my heart for awhile where it led me into tears a couple times but something I kept reminding myself of over and over was this "All things are possible through CHRIST who STRENGTHENS me" // Philippians 4:13 How are you guys doing though my sweet followers, please don't unfollow me because I haven't been blogging I have been going through ordinary life. During this time I took a lil break from Blogging I had a complete healing and restoration of my knee from the Power of God, it was the most amazing thing I could possibly feel. I felt the presence of God so deeply and strongly like I had never felt before it was so Precious. One thing I want to tell you never give up, because when you do you have let the enemy win and thats what he is trying to do because satan is the god of this world, but remember as a believer we HAVE GOD, the God of eternal life, the spirit. He is not the darkness of this world. Our God shines the light into this dark world... Remember you are deeply loved.
"Dont Forget You're Loved"
*I am a daughter Of God*I'm a Victorious Woman* I am Loved* Im his favorite*
A promise I made, and a Promise I will keep until marriage.
"Don't let
anyone look down on you for being young, Instead make your speech,
behavior, love, faith, purity and example for others" 1st Tim 4:12
Get your worship on!!
With Love - Sarah
Joshua 1:9
Friday, May 24, 2013
Hey my sweet followers, How have you all been ?
I know I haven't been blogging much lately, but I was away for awhile. Just go back from a little vacation. I will share a little bit of it with you.
Life is something where you have to have and be Joyful <3 God is so awesome!
As You can see, I've kept myself busy lately (:
Which I needed to do for myself, a select few know why.
Sometimes we just need to get away and take a break for ourselves, and that's what I did.
"The greater on Loves you, and that's Jesus"
"Don't feel unloved because your not"
"Candle Dipping in Columbia, California So much fun"
"Oh yeah thats the face of seeing a spider"
First time in Santa Cruz <3 Loved it!
Short and sweet <3
"All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us"// Philippians 4:13
Don't give up, just no you are LOVED Sweet ones, when the going gets hard just know Jesus died on the cross for our sins and so much more. Remember something ? "All things are Possible through Christ who strengthens you" // Philippians 4:13
Remember not to go to bed angry (: Can I share some scripture and hope with you tonight? "One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek, inquire for and [insistently] require; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in his presence] all the days of my life" // Psalms 27:4
"There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" // Ephesians 4:4-6 "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.// James 4:7-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This song brings me comfort hope it does u too?
Prayer requests? All coming to pass! Sarah Elizabeth
Monday, May 6, 2013
As my first year of college is wrapping up, I have one final left to go, had 2 of them today, and finished my online one last week. I wanted to say I am back to my normal self, I have Joy and the strength of Jesus living through me. For awhile I wanted to give up, but with the help of some precious people I am doing better then ever again and back on my feet. God is doing something big in my life right now and teaching me the meaning of FRIENDSHIP. So yes I sadly had to let go of some of my dearest friends because they just weren't a healthy part of my life. To be honest since that I have so much more peace. Well I just wanted to tell you I'll be back and writing some more blog posts when I get the chance.
Remember "ALL things are Possible through Christ who strengthens me" Phillipians 4:13
Have a blessed evening dear blogging community, what ever you are facing no that it is only temporary, its going to get better and better (:
Need Prayer Sweet Ones? I would love to pray for you, I have been none to be a very prophetic person in the spirit as some have told me.
Remember not to give up, that's what the enemy wants you to do, but you cant let that happen, say I'm a victor not a victim.
I can't help but to rejoice tonight, and it should be like that every day! Jesus is greater then anything in this world.
With Love: Sarah
P.S. Comment if you enjoy my blog, been thinking of taking it down, I want to know! Thankyou! God bless.
"The Joy of the Lord is your Strength: Sweet One"
As I just got in from my morning class at college, I just was sitting here thinking to myself I'm not alone because Jesus lives in me, and how precious is that, and I wanted to remind you how loved you are, sometimes we don't feel loved, but trust me you are sweet one. DON'T let the enemy tell you that you aren't loved, that is a lie from the pit of hell. I come against that thought right now because it isn't the truth, I received a precious word yesterday over me that brought so much peace and Joy over my heart. "Jesus never rejected you" Never even begin to think like that. So life throws us unexpected battles after we receive such a promise from God. For instance a decoy comes into your life, which tries to distract you from the Peace of God, yeah that happened to me. Thankful for my sweet pastor mommy for helping me through that. Its important to remember that our Pastors no whats best , and they are just looking out for you and loving you just remember that. They are in authority. Also it could be a friend that keeps telling you that you've changed, because your not around them much anymore. We have to be careful when people are just using us, and everything revolves around them. That isn't a safe friendship. Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals." 1st Corinthians 15:33 Just want you to remember your sweet and loved, and be careful when you don't have peace God will show you. Listen to that still small voice.
Importance of Friends: Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Proverbs 24:5A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might, Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
"God called us apart from the rest of the world"
Correction is good, it helps you become a stronger person in the word.
"No your authority by listening to your pastors, don't be erased, stay with them. Pastors are precious"
Don't hunger or get distracted, trust God.
Just something short and simple; Have a blessed Monday (: XOXO- Sarah Elizabeth