Hey sweet people?
How is your day or week going , Mine is going good!
You know those moments you just get caught up in what people think of you, etc. Yes Ive been going through one of those phases. There's times where we just forget about are goal in life and let others bring your hopes down. Knowing there's people out there that care in the littlest of ways. As I know not many people look at my blog, I still write thinking my heart will get out to somewhere. Do you ever feel unloved ? Maybe because you come from a broken family, or a place where you feel like chopped liver because you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Well I Just wanted to tell you Jesus is the only one we need to get through our daily life's. Our motivation can't come from people , it can only come from you. Wanting to be like someone else is okay to an extent, but God made everybody their own person. Striving to be like someone doesn't always work. Sometimes I tell myself that I need to stop breath and strive more to be like Jesus. Jesus is who lives on the inside of my heart. I want to remind those of you feeling broken that the only love you need is from Jesus. He fulfills every desire. But the amazing thing is that when you get saved you are brought a whole new group of people to love you in the natural. But when you are alone physically you really aren't because Jesus is always with you where ever you go. The verse that reminds me to stay strong during the tough trials everyone will walk through. But it depends on you how you let that trial affect you. "Be strong and Courageous nor discouraged or dismayed for the Lord is with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9 [ That Verse brings my heart into comfort every day of my Life ] - it is something that just keeps me going through every struggle Ive faced since committing my life to Jesus. What and who are we if we dont have Love? We are nothing. Be the change you want to see in this world. Be the friend you wish to have. Be a real Believer everyday not just inside the church doors.
Be the Real Believer your suppose to be:
Open the door for someone
Read your Bible everyday
Pray Everyday
Worship and Thank God everyday
Give someone the Love of Jesus
Don’t you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don’t belong to yourselves. (1st Corinthians 6:19 Gwt)