Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are you feeling alone?

     I was in the middle of researching some information for my college research paper, and the Lord had me stop, and go here. He laid something heavy on my heart.  Are you feeling dark or alone? I was talking to somebody and this is when the Lord laid it so heavy on my heart. And i mean heavy, this was just a knew experience for me to feel, i almost wanted to start crying but in a different way. Like for the Love of Jesus. Have you ever felt alone, like for instance when your around a group of friends or in this matter So called friends because you walk up to them and they just pretend like your so invisible. Or it could even be like that with your house hold, like this im going to share relates to me! Day by day i go on and I used to feel so alone in my house, but when that trial came on I just agreed with it, and felt like God wanted me to feel this way. To be honest, just recently i realized it was a lie from the pit of hell, that is so ridiculous of me to even think. Now i can be in my house without feeling so dark and alone, because the greater one Jesus Christ lives on the inside of me, and its the time i finally accepted it. Praise the Lord! He is good.
   " God’s love never fails.  
Praise the God of all gods.
    God’s love never fails. 
 Praise the Lord of lords.
    God’s love never fails." ( Psalm 136 1-3)
Those verses right there have to be the most comforting thing to me in those moments, but the amazing thing is i rejoice through Jesus. God's love will never fail and its one of the most encouraging things that gets me going through that moment of feeling so alone. Your saying i don't have anybody to love me, or hug me, or appreciate me? Well have you tried Jesus, He will never fail you. Have you listened to Spiritual music? Have you opened A bible? Have you talked to somebody?  After you do all of that, i promise you will have a different outlook on life. Trust me there was a point before i got so lost in Jesus, that i tried to attempt a couple of things, but after getting so lost, I was picked back up by God, My faith, and i just said why would i even try those things or to loose my life, yeah stupid right? Well after that trial, i talked to my Spiritual parents, which our also my Pastors, i praised through the storm and started praising, praying, reading my bible daily"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"(Psalm 119:105), and everyone comes up to me, Im actually noticed appreciated and wanted now. But i finally learned that Jesus came out of everyone of these people. It's so absoulutely precious to know Jesus loves Me unconditionally, along with the Church family he placed in my life.
"For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."(Phillipians 2:13)
And my heart goes out today to all of those innocent young lives killing themselves, tell somebody you love them today, tell somebody their adored, give somebody a hug. Get those hurting into Gods kingdom, we can do it. If your reading this, i want you to know God loves and adores you, as well as me, because me being a christian has been through what it feels like to not be loved. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."(John 13:34)
 I want to leave you with a song that was heavy on my heart today when i heard it<3
With Love, Sarah Elizabeth<3
"Don't let anyone look down on you for being young, Instead make your speech, behavior, love, faith, purity and example for others" 1st Tim 4:12


  1. I so needed to read this thankyou!!! God is definitely working through you to help others!! Thankyou dear!! :)

  2. I am so glad u started blogging :) what a beautiful encouragement.. love love love... This blog post is beautiful... You have a new follower and I look forward to the thoughts pictures and videos shared :) timothy
