Thursday, January 31, 2013

Feels good to be back!

     Hello my dear followers, I just want to inform you that I have not been able to do my blog posts because my computer crashed, and praise the Lord 220 dollars later its fixed and whole again. Sometimes through our trials if we dont hold fast  the enemy will bring us more to where we just want to give up on life. That seems like where I have been the last couple of weeks. First I was fighting some pretty bad symptoms, but you can read about that in my post before this one today. Second my Laptop unexpectedly crashed. Third as of the moment my car is in the shop because it kind of like blew up or "Smoked Up" I guess you could say, because I am car less for the last 2 days. Being a college student and all of this happening at once just kind of put me into a pickle but I have been uping my dosage  of the word and let me tell you that is the only way you can get yourself out of this kinda of funk the devil puts us in. Remember something? God will bless you when you obey him. It is important to know the difference between the devils thoughts and God thoughts. I realized something yesterday after I attended a funeral for somebody who committed suicide. It was so devastating, but that's what happens when you the the devils thoughts role your life and we cant focus on him. When we rejoice through the storm the enemy will no longer try to mess with our minds. "We cant listens to our heads, we have to listen to our God, and Soul"  At the moment I feel like a crazy chicken because it seems like I am always busy at the moment. But remember God will bless us when we bless others and HOLD-FAST! I tell myself not to give up, I have came to far. Its hard yes, but not with God and we have to remember that everybody. The famous verse reminds me of this daily. "All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us" // Philippians 4:13 If it wasn't possible God would not put us through it. Hold on its only temporary! As I'm mentally exhausted right now I still put God first and I put him first daily before everything and everyone these past couple of days. I personally want to say thankyou to all the people who have been praying for me and not giving up on me. This verse comes to mind when I said that "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." // Matthew 18:20. It is so powerful when 2 or more come in agreement with you. I am so thankful for the prayer warriors that I have.  They are so precious and dear to me.  As I am enjoying pineapple at the moment I am reminded about how thankful about having food on my plate and being able to hold food down and eat again. I think why I got sick was because I had let depression in. But not no more, Praise the Lord!

I want to share a little bit from a fabulous church service I went to in Bakersfield on Tuesday night. I felt like the Lord was speaking to me through his message. It was crazy! But how the Lord works sometimes just makes me in awe of him more.

"In the test and trials your going to have to endure through faith"

"The will of God is that you tithe"

"Be a finisher"

"Faith will do whatever it takes" Faith doesn't quit and never goes backwards!

I would Love to pray for you! Leave me your prayer requests.

With Love, Sarah Elizabeth

"All things are getting better and better," dont give up now!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!! This definitly ministered to me love! Take care <3

