Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hey my dear blog family, as I sit here in my front yard watching the sunset fall down with browsing on my laptop. I decided to just share a post. I just wanted to remind you that as easy as it is to give up we cant let the enemy win. Want to know that your loved by Jesus Christ because you are. Well I don't blog much anymore just because college and been trying to get myself out of the funk I was in, but Im back to me. As Ive been alone alot, during this time I have been praising God through every breath I breath lately. Praising God and in prayer and interceding is all I seem to do to find my Joy again. Let me tell you Joy can easily be taken, but we don't have to let it be taken do we? No we don't! Joy is a fruit of the spirit and its just fun to have. Do my blogs encourage somebody out there? Because lately when I do post them, it seems like I get nothing from it, I asked the Lord to show me how my blog helps somebody, if it doesn't I will no longer be doing them. It's just been a battle through this time of growing forward, if I do bless someones heart, I feel like its just Jesus and I, and of course that is all I need. He fulfills that loneliness that has been felt in my heart lately. It's an everyday battle to keep striving forward and to also remind myself that I am a daughter of a king and that I am loved unconditionally. My heart is hurting for this dark world, I just want to bring the complete salvation in. It is a struggle sometimes being 19 and in a financial struggle, and also the only one living for Jesus inside of my house. But let me tell you it has made me grow so much stronger in the long run. It has brought me to intimately know Jesus. Jesus fills my days with Love and Joy, Peace and Strength, and through my mistakes he forgives me. He reminds me that I am beautiful. Dear sisters, Everyone of you is BEAUTIFUL! Even through are flaws we are gorgeous to the Lord. He never gives up on us! So you say I'm battling discouragement, thoughts and torments from the enemy? Well say LORD forgive me, I repent now! Get down on your knees, or even just open your BIBLE, it has so much comfort and strength, and after its like a fresh start and the enemy flees. How awesome is it to know your loved and genuinely LOVED by others. Family doesnt always have to be blood, it can be the ones who God has brought into your life to make you someone NEW! I am so thankful for the ones who uplift me when Im on the last string, seems lately that has been where I was, but not NO MORE. Hallelujah! We serve a mighty God!

"In the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord there is strong confidence and his children shall always have a place of refuge" Proverbs 14:26

"Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it" Proverbs 4:23 

 The best part of my week, babysitting this Girl, We had a taco bell date, and  did a lot of fun things! I cherish these moments! 


- With Love 

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Mind

     As I sat here for over an hour just spending time in the Word, it was such a precious feeling to me so dear. It was like my heart was filled with Joy and Peace, and that is something I have been struggling deeply with lately but I won't allow it anymore.  So this is why I want to talk about our Mind this morning on a beautiful friday. When are mind falls into wrong ways of thinking those are the strong holds that must be dealt with. Right thinking is thinking in line with th WORD of GOD, and it will keep the door closed to the enemy. If what you are thinking right now doesnt line up with the word of God then you must cast it down. Give your cares to God and be obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ. You may be going through a test or a trial today. Maybe your feeling pressure in your mind? Well as Christians we don't walk by what by what we feel or see. We are to walk by faith in Gods word. Don't give up its only temporary. Jesus died on the cross over 2,000 years ago for our sins. How amazing is that? Also he forgives us for everything and doesn't remember our past. Faith means you refuse to change what you believe just because you can see, feel, and hear the TEST. The enemy looses and God wins so don't let go. Victory and Promise is ours as daughters and sons of Christ. Just because you can feel the test doesn't mean that your faith isn't working or that your faith has failed. Yes your body and mind may feel the test but your spirit is the real. Doesn't this bring you so much hope, and that every battle we face is already won on the cross. Remember any thought that discourages us as a Christian puts us down, accuses us, points out faults and failures, tries to make us worry, fear or doubt is from the enemy, and is to be resisted. It's not ours to take on!


"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." // Romans 12:2   




Lord I pray today for peace of mind over my bloggers and that if they are struggling today that you comfort them with your right hand. Amen!

Remember All things are coming to Pass!
God is so good to us! Never give up! I love you all!

                            -XOXO Sarah Elizabeth

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Holding On

Hey my followers, I'm sorry it's been awhile that I haven't been able to post on my blog in awhile. I feel like the enemy has had me in a trap and it's been really hard to snap completely out of this funk so I haven't been able to even think. I just want to ask for some prayer requests! And I thankyou so much for not giving up on me! Love you all so much! Through the fact of not having a car and walking 10 miles home from college when I cant find a ride, its a struggle. I won't give up though, I won't. My God lives and I'm snapping out of this funk right now! No more of holding me satan, Get out of here I do not want you.

"All things are Possible thru Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13

"Be Strong and Courageous nor discouraged or dismayed for the Lord you God is with you where ever you go" Joshua 1:9

I personally am so thankful for the people who have been lifting me up, and not letting go or giving up on me. Even though the enemy has been attacking me I will not give up, not at All! I personally want to thank my blog family and followers. You all bring so much strength to me. I personally thank ERIN the most lately.

I won't give up! 

Sorry it was so short but Im kinda blank today!

-Xoxo Sarah

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Peace in God

Where do you get your peace from? Does it come from other people? Does it come from you? Well I don't know where you get your peace from, but me I get my Peace when I look up to my savior and nobody else. Does the devil try to steal your peace? Of coarse he does, but if your a faithful believer of Jesus Christ, then the outside world should never affect us. When thoughts, or temptations come? What do we do? We rebuke and go open our bibles and get our peace back. The word of God is where our peace comes from. Not just reading the bible, living the bible is what us as faithful CHRISTIANS need to do. Oh trust me I have been struggling lately with my peace. Been focusing on the circumstances rather then giving the care completely to God. Jesus died on the cross for our peace so when you focus on the circumstance our battle with the enemy seems never ending. But give the care completely to GOD, don't think about it! When you put your full focus on Jesus, God takes care of every circumstance, we are not the ones to take care of it! GIVE IT TO HIM! Don't let go "Cast all your anxieties on the Lord, for he cares for you" 1st peter 5:7 I want to inform you that our time is very valuable. It is tremendously important who we hang out with, tremendously! My pastor Mommy as some of my blog friends no how precious and dear she is to me. She says if you don't feel peace around someone, then don't be around them. They should be saved, go to church, be a believer of Jesus CHRIST, be careful. As hard as it may seem, family can steal our peace. But we have to give those cares to God. Don't allow then enemy to steal your peace. When your focus is on God and no body else then your peace will not be taken. Don't give place in the enemy! Say no no my God is bigger then you, stinking lying devil. Hahah, he be trying to steal my peace, but think about it, Who is letting the enemy in to steal our peace? WE ARE! So you have to be wise in what your around, what your watching, who your with! Pray before you go some where, the Holy Spirit will let you know if its okay to go there. Tv shows can steal our peace, make us think about so much! But Jesus lives in my heart and the change starts now. Who is with me? Who is not going to let the Enemy in to steal our peace anymore? I'm not looking back, Im forgiven, and Im going to live in peace and Joy. Single Ladies have patience that man is coming. If you rush it and don't trust God you are going to be miserable. Protect your gift! (: No no Devil, Peace lives in me, and bam every thought is gone! So rejoice through those trials, and give the care to God completely, don't give it back. Trust God because he cares for you and I so deeply. Never is he not there to listen to us.


Wanted to share some Hope with you! 

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,  I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." // Philippians 3:13-14

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  // Phil 4:6-7 

"Princes persecute me without a cause,
But my heart stands in awe of Your word." // Psalms 119:161

"To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises;
For God is my defense,
My God of mercy." // Psalm 59:17



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 I hope this blessed you all as much as it blessed me writing it! Im thankful for all of you. Remember you are completely Loved, all of you!

-XOXO Sarah Elizabeth

Lord, I pray for all of these hurting people that you over flow their hearts with peace today. Amen!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Just a quiet Night!

     I feel like life has been a battlefield lately, fighting off thought after thought in my mind. Life is just so different when you are the only saved one in your family, and the enemy will use them to crush your spirit so heavily. I have let it get to me so bad lately, but this is when I can no longer do that. The greater one lives in me. Sometimes I just want to be held by a Dad or a Mom, but thats just not how my family is I guess. But I have to thank God because he blessed me over 3 years ago with the best spiritual family and church that he could have given me. My life was forever changed that day, I accepted Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior. That was the most comforting day of my life, I really don't exactly remember how it happened, but I am so thankful it did. I had my struggles it took me a while to get the whole Jesus thing in my heart, but once it happened it was like a new beginning and God doesn't look at our pasts. Something good is going to happen, I can feel it in my spirit and its going to be beautiful. Just keep reminding yourself as well as myself that its going to get better and better. Don't give up! (:

Something simple and short, letting you know Im still here through the struggles. Love you all!

                                         Joy comes in the morning!(: Never give up, the battle was won on the cross!

                              -XOXO Sarah Elizabeth...